How to Create TableView in iOS: A Step-by-Step Approach
About Course
Welcome to this course, where you’ll learn how to create a single-screen TableView application entirely through code, without relying on StoryBoard. I’ll guide you step by step through the process of building and configuring a TableView programmatically. This is a valuable skill that will enhance your job prospects and strengthen your GitHub portfolio. Follow along carefully, review the lessons as needed, and repeat each step with me—you’ve got everything you need to succeed!
Course Content
Create a project
What is TableView, TableViewCell, TableViewController
Adding TableView to View. Registering a cell, setting constraints
Working with UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocol methods
Struct for an array and creating an empty array
Displaying data from an array in a TableViewCell
Deleting a row by swiping in TableView
Change your appearance
Clicking on a row in TableView, working with AlertController